Delivery FAQs

Where are the areas you deliver?
We deliver in most areas in Metro Manila. See image for reference.

Will my food stay fresh in transit?
Yes. But please refrigerate you package immediately upon receipt.
How do I know the delivery times?
For night deliveries, it’s between 4pm to 8pm. For same day deliveries, we deliver from 4am to 8am.
Can I change my delivery time?
No. We follow a route plan daily. ETA varies everyday and it really depends on actual circumstances
How should I handle a late delivery?
Please notify us immediately so we can reach the rider.
What if I am not home to accept the delivery?
Please give instructions to your security guard that you will have food delivery coming. If you can, please have it placed in a cool and dry environment.
Payment & Billing FAQs

What are the payment methods accepted by Dear Diet PH?
We accept bank transfers, e-wallet and credit card subject to service charge.
How does payment work? How secure is it?
We handle payments via Paymongo.
How much will I pay for shipping?
We offer free shipping to most areas in Metro Manila. Areas subject to shipping fee will have an added delivery fee to your total bill.
In the event that my payment fails, what should I do?
Please contact paymongo or us if you’re paying manually via your banking app.
Where can I view my invoice?
If you’re ordering from our website, an order confirmation will be sent to you. If you ordered from our social media channels, we will send an invoice on the same channel of transaction.
How long will it take to process a refund?
For manual bank transfers, we usually process refunds in 1-2 days.

What should I do if one of my ingredients is damaged or missing?
Please message us immediately.
For how long will my ingredients remain fresh?
2 days in the chiller.
From where do you source your meat?
We only source our meat from licensed meat suppliers.
From where do you source your fish?
We source our fish from our local markets.
Do you provide nutritional information for your meals?
Yes. Each meal has a corresponding food label containing its ingredients and macronutrients.